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A subscribing member can only proceed with unsubscribing from the service if they have previously cancelled their membership. Ainsi, vous avez toutes les chances de trouver le partenaire de jeu idéal pour un coup d'un soir, d'une nuit ou le temps d'une aventure sans lendemain. Integrality The present service terms and conditions express the integrality of the parties' obligations.
The member may never use, print or re-format the content of the platform or websites for purposes other than private or familial. Comme sur tous les bons sites de petites annonces vous pouvez chercher et lire des annonces d'inconnus ou prendre l'initiative d' et multiplier vos chances! The service is neither a consultancy nor a dating agency, and does not organise encounters between its members. Titles In case of interpretation difficulties resulting from a contradiction between any title of a clause and any clause, the titles shall be declared inexistant. Data collected during registration is for the use of the company Phoenix Corp, the data controller, and its partners. The service is exclusively reserved to members registered on the platform in compliance with the present rules. Phoenix Corp informs the members on the minimum required configurations to fully benefit from the service and additional services. Preamble Phoenix Corp has developed an online dating service.
Objective The objective of the present document is to define the conditions of use of the services proposed by Phoenix Corp. Phoenix Corp will then take measures it considers most appropriate in the situation. Trouver une idylle amoureuse entre hommes n'est pas chose aisée.
Homme mur pour rencontre avec gay ou homme bi - Phoenix Corp informs the members on the minimum required configurations to fully benefit from the service and additional services. Good faith The parties agree to execute their obligations in absolute good faith.
Data collected during registration is for the use of the company Phoenix Corp, the data controller, and its partners. It will be used to ensure that you are shown profiles that match your personality. You have the right to challenge, rectify, complete, update, block or delete the data concerning you, or to object to the processing of said data or to its use for marketing purposes by contacting us at the address mentioned in the General Conditions of Use. Terms of Service The present service is owned and operated by Phoenix Corp, SARL, registered in the trade and companies register of Annecy, under number rcs 508 469 012, with registered offices at 129, avenue de Genève - Centre MBE BP 351 - 74000 Annecy - France, represented by its current chairman. Preamble Phoenix Corp has developed an online dating service. Phoenix Corp therefore provides an online platform to visitors, where they can communicate amongst them and therefore plays the role of technical service provider. The service is neither a consultancy nor a dating agency, and does not organise encounters between its members. The service is exclusively reserved to members registered on the platform in compliance with the present rules. Prerequisites The members confirm having received all necessary documentation on the proposed services from Phoenix Corp and comply without reservation to the present service terms and conditions. The members recognise that the use of the platform requires compliance with all the provisions defined in the present contract. It consists of the back office and the database of members and subscribers. Objective The objective of the present document is to define the conditions of use of the services proposed by Phoenix Corp. Contractual documents The mandatory contractual documents for members are: The present service terms and conditions; The data-processing and liberties rules of service; The ethical charter of the service. In case of contradiction between documents of different nature or rank, it is explicitly agreed between the parties that the provisions of higher rank contained in the document shall prevail for obligations in a conflict of interpretation. In case of contradiction between terms of documents of the same rank, the latest documents shall prevail on the others. Opposability The present terms and conditions are opposable as soon as they are accepted by the member when subscribing to the service. Phoenix Corp reserves the right to modify the present terms and conditions as it considers necessary and useful. It shall do its utmost to inform members of the existence and date of application of new terms and conditions. Any use of the service by the member within 30 days after a modification of the terms and conditions confirms the latter accepts those new terms and conditions. The member may end using the service but remains responsible for any anterior use. Members can access archived terms of use upon request by e-mail at: customer rsipa. Registration to the Service 7. To open an account and become a member, the user must previously register via the online form on the platform. Two registration procedures are available: Registration via facebook connect; Registration via online form. With the facebook connect application the fields to be completed will be automatically filled with the information taken from the user facebook account, under his sole responsibility. No information on the registration to the service will be displayed on the facebook account of the user. Some requested information builds the user profile and can be accessed by other members of the service: they must be correct and regularly updated. Members wishing to use it must therefore have a connection to mobile internet. This application enables subscription to the service from a mobile phone for example. It also enables subscription to paying functions. The services subscribed from a mobile application in integrated purchase are subject to the present terms and conditions, as well as the terms and conditions of the purchase platform for mobile applications to obtain the application, the invoicing conditions, the payment and renewal terms of the service s. It also means that an account must be created on that platform to enable the application download. Finally, the user is offered the exclusive power to multiply his chances of finding love through the orientation on other sites if already registered or wants more contact. If the terms and conditions are not complied with, the member is informed by email of the rejection of the profile and is proposed to modify it. If the member does not modify the profile in comformity with the terms and conditions Phoenix Corp reserves the right to definitively refuse it. Acceptance of the profile does not validate its content, nor does it mean Phoenix Corp recognises its lawfulness. The free access does not enable the use of all the functions of the platform or to meet other members. Women wishing to be placed in contact with a man will specially receive free and complete access to the service, with the exception of additional services which remain payable. In all cases where access is free, either partial or total, Phoenix Corp reserves the right to modify it both for conditions of access and financial terms of the service. Except in the above cases, access to the service is payable. The member subscribes to the service for the selected duration by the member, at the online price at the time of subscription and according to the payment methods proposed by Phoenix Corp and selected by the member. The access Club trial allows to maintain your active profile to visit the index forms of the other members, and to use in a unlimited way the features of searches for the service of meeting. Access to the Service is immediate if payment is made by bank card. A processing period is required if payment is made by cheque or bank transfer. Phoenix Corp reserves the right to propose temporary promotional offers to new members or existing subscribed members for a certain time. The proposed financial terms are exceptional and cannot be grounds for any complaint by the other members. Subscriptions are automatically extended at the end of the subscription period chosen by the member, under the same conditions and at the same price. The extension can be cancelled according to the conditions of the article 'termination' of the present terms and conditions. AppStore Create your profile in just a few seconds, the download and registration are free. Right to withdraw Conformément à l'article L 121-21-8 13° du code de la consommation, le droit de rétractation ne s'applique pas, notamment, aux contrats de fourniture de services pleinement exécutés avant la fin du délai de rétractation et dont l'exécution a commencé après accord préalable exprès du consommateur et renoncement exprès à son droit de rétractation. Obligations of Phoenix Corp 10. It enables members to use the available communication tools under the best possible conditions. Because of the nature and complexity of the internet network, and its technical performance and response times for consultation, viewing or transfer of data in particular, Phoenix Corp makes the best effort according to the rulebook to enable the access to and the use of the service. Phoenix Corp cannot guarantee absolute access or availability of the platform for access to the service. It shall use appropriate means to maintain the service in optimal operational conditions. Phoenix Corp reserves the right, without notice or compensation, to temporarily close the platform or access to services for update, maintenance, modification or changes to operational methods, the platform and access hours, without this list being exhaustive. Phoenix Corp reserves the right to complete or modify, at all times, the platform and the services available there according to the development of technologies and shall inform the members by all means. Phoenix Corp does not intervene directly in the content of the profiles. It checks at the registration of the member that the terms and conditions are met, but does not check the truthfulness of information supplied or their validity and does not monitor the later changes to the profile carried out by the member concerned. Phoenix Corp does not intervene in the relations and exchanges between members. Phoenix Corp shall react when illicit content, behaviour or use or not compliant with the present terms and conditions were reported to it under article 'notification of illicit content' in the present agreement or signalled via an 'abuse' link present on the profile of every subscribing member. Phoenix Corp will then take measures it considers most appropriate in the situation. Phoenix Corp reserves the right to remove any content which does not comply with the present terms and conditions after informing, if conditions allow it , the member concerned. Considering the exponential nature of technological developments, Phoenix Corp cannot guarantee absolute security of the platform or the absence of defects. To enable reliable exchanges between members, each of them shall supply correct data, in compliance with laws and regulations and regularly update them. The member shall not share a member account with other persons or grant access to the account to a minor. The photographs placed online by the member must particularly: Represent the member; Not only represent unrelated elements landscape, animals, etc. The member is not authorised to indicate phone, address or electronic details on his profile. The member's behaviour during the use of the service should comply with the rules of good conduct. The member shall notify any manifest illicit content, conform with the procedure under article 'notification of illicit content' of the present contract. The member also can report to Phoenix Corp the profile of a member not respecting the present terms and conditions through the link 'abuse' present on the profile of all the registered members. The member shall not behave in an illegal or fraud-inducing way towards Phoenix Corp, other members or third parties. Any behaviour not respecting the rules of good conduct above or those in the ethical charter of the service may be penalised under the conditions of the article 'termination' of the present contract. Upon discovery of such method, or if the member enters a placeholder, without right, inadvertently, the member agrees to promptly inform Phoenix Corp to the following address customer rsipa. The member is not authorised to remove or modify data on the platform or to fraudulently enter data or carry out an alteration on the operation of the platform. Any access to an unauthorised space shall be considered fraudulous access as provided by the criminal code. The member shall in particular not carry out any operation to saturate a page, rebound operations or any operation which could result in disturbing or distorting the operation of the platform. Technical support Phoenix Corp provides a customer service to its members which can supply all necessary information on the use of the platform and the services. Phoenix Corp makes the best efforts to provide a service accessible to all the members in the best conditions. Phoenix Corp cannot guarantee absolute technical compatibility of the additional functions and services it proposes in the service as their correct operation is subject to the software and hardware compatibility of the computer equipment used by the members. Phoenix Corp informs the members on the minimum required configurations to fully benefit from the service and additional services. The use of a mobile application for the use of the service requires that the member previously has a compatible electronic communication device and mobile internet connection. Before purchasing the mobile application, the member should refer to the conditions of use of the download platform of the application to learn about the necessary configuration. The website, brands, drawings, models, images, texts, photos, logos, graphic charts, software and programmes, search engines, databases, sounds, videos, domain names, design or any other information or media presented by Phoenix Corp, without this list being exhaustive, are the exclusive property of Phoenix Corp and are protected by their copyrights, brands, patents and any other intellectual or industrial property rights they hold in accordance with valid laws. Consequently, the member shall refrain from any act or action which could affect directly or indirectly the intellectual property rights of Phoenix Corp. The member may never use, print or re-format the content of the platform or websites for purposes other than private or familial. The member recognises that the information and the databases accessible on the platform are the property of Phoenix Corp. The member shall respect the integral rights of third parties whose content is present on the platform and shall not create any analogies in the mind of the public for any purpose. Therefore, the member shall take all necessary measures for the protection of said rights for all third parties and, in particular, maintain all the property mentions on all the data, information and more generally the consultable elements on the platform or made accessible by third parties. The member authorises Phoenix Corp to modify elements to comply with the graphic chart or to make them compatible with its technical performance or any format supplied in the context of the service. The user right is granted by the member to Phoenix Corp for the whole world, and for the duration of online access of those elements by the member. The member shall take all necessary measures to protect said third party rights and guarantees peaceful use to Phoenix Corp. Responsibility and guarantee In the context of service providing, Phoenix Corp is subject to an obligation of resources. Conform to the valid legislation, Phoenix Corp cannot accept civil liability for activities or information stored at the request of members, unless if Phoenix Corp was duly notified of illicit content under the conditions of article 'notification of illicit content' and did not react promptly to remove it. The members recognise and accept that the details they supply, as well as their behaviour or comments on the service can be reported by other members and a subsequent check by Phoenix Corp, based on objective appreciation criteria, without prejudice to the appropriate application of the 'Termination' article of the present contract. The member is sole responsible for possible prejudice caused by the divulgation of that information. The member guarantees and releases Phoenix Corp from any claim and condemnation originating from default of obligations the member is subject to by law or the present terms and conditions of the service. Phoenix Corp is not liable for the violation of the present terms and conditions by another member, nor for their actions on the platform, whether an offence or not. The responsibility of Phoenix Corp can only be involved in case of direct damage, with the exclusion of indirect damage, resulting from the use of the platform by the member and shall be restricted as to the sums paid by the member to Phoenix Corp within twelve 12 months preceding the generating fact of the damage. Phoenix Corp, technical provider, only provides a web platform and cannot guarantee that exchanges between members actually lead to encounters. Furthermore, Phoenix Corp cannot be held responsible for encounters on or outside the platform, nor for the correspondence between information communicated on the service and the reality. Phoenix Corp endeavours to check the reliability of information and data of the member profiles, in particular by checking compliance with the present terms and conditions and the information supplied at the registration to the service. Phoenix Corp cannot guarantee the truthfulness of information supplied by its members, nor protect the members against identity theft and it cannot be held responsible on that basis. Phoenix Corp provides additional services to improve the communication functions and promote the visibility of the profile of a member on the platform. HOWEVER, those services are provided up to the same services other members might subscribe to: in case of multiplicity of members' requests for a service or for technical reasons linked to the correct management of the platform operation, the member recognises that Phoenix Corp cannot guarantee an unlimited period for the promotion of visibility of the member's profile or the effectiveness and uninterrupted availability of the additional service to which the member subscribed. Notification of illicit content Any notification of illicit content to Phoenix Corp must include the following information in comformity with article 6 i 5 ° of the law 2004-575 of 21 June 2004: Date of notification; If the notifier is a natural person: name, first name, profession, residence, nationality, date and place of birth; If the notifier is a legal entity: its form, name, registered office and the body that legally represents it; The name and address of the addressee or, if it is a legal person, the name and registered office; The description of the contentious facts and their precise location with copy of the precise url address of the content ; The reasons why the content should be removed, including the legal provisions and the factual justifications; The copy of the correspondence addressed to the author or editor of contentious information or activities and requesting their interruption, withdrawal or modification, or the justification that the author or editor could not be contacted. Personal data The personal data may be collected during your registration on our site are intended for use by Phoenix Corp. Trackability In order to provide an easily accessible and personalised service, Phoenix Corp keeps the history of the connections to the platform by the member and follows the navigation of the members on the platform with cookies, in compliance with the data-processing and liberties rules. A subscribing member can only proceed with unsubscribing from the service if they have previously cancelled their membership. The subscribing members can cancel the extension of the subscription after 15 days of use of the subscription to the service. The cancellation does not affect the access to all functions of the service for the initial duration of the subscription. In any case, the extension must be cancelled seventy-two hours 72 before the end of the subscription period at the latest, by using the function 'Cancel my extension' on the account accessible through menu 'Account', 'My parameters', 'My subscription', then 'Parameters'. If you unsubscribe, which automatically result in inaccessibility of all content, the subscriber will be charged the sum of one 1 euro relative to the closing of its subscription record. Le désabonnement sera facturé un 1 euro à l'abonné. Conformément à l'article 313-1 du code Pénal, Phoenix Corp poursuivra devant les juridictions compétentes toute opposition abusive d'un abonnement par le client auprès de la banque du porteur. This request shall be considered completed the working day following receipt of the cancellation request of the account concerned by the department. The request does not include any refund for the still outstanding subscription period. Access to the service can for example be suspended when: The member does not complete his profile in accordance with the present terms and conditions; The member posts a non-conform or infringing photograph online; The member behaves in a way that disturbs the tranquillity of one or several members; Overall, the member does not respect the ethical charter of the service. Force Majeure Initially, cases of force majeure will suspend the application of the terms and conditions of the service. If cases of force majeure last longer than two 2 months, the service terms and conditions will be automatically terminated. Explicitly, the cases of force majeure commonly accepted by the jurisprudence of the French courts and tribunals shall apply. Good faith The parties agree to execute their obligations in absolute good faith. Sincerity The parties confirm the present commitments are sincere. Thus, they confirm not knowing of any element that if communicated would have modified the consent of the other party. Titles In case of interpretation difficulties resulting from a contradiction between any title of a clause and any clause, the titles shall be declared inexistant. Nullity If one or several stipulations of the present conditions are deemed invalid, or declared such in application of a law, a regulation or after a decision enforced by competent jurisdiction, the other stipulations will maintain all their power and scope. Integrality The present service terms and conditions express the integrality of the parties' obligations. No general or specific conditions included in the documents sent or supplied by the parties could be integrated in the present terms and conditions. Proof convention The acceptance of the terms and conditions by email has the same probatory value between parties as the agreement in paper format. The digitalised registers stored in the computer systems of the platform will be stored under reasonable safety conditions and considered proof of communications between the parties. The contractual documents are archived on a reliable and durable medium which can be produced as proof. Confidentiality The information transmitted or received by Phoenix Corp during the use of the platform is considered confidential by nature and is subject to professional secrecy and shall not be communicated externally, apart from exceptions linked to the provision of the 'data-processing and liberties' law. This provision does not infringe communications ordered by law or administration. Language The present service terms and conditions, the ethical charter and data-processing and liberties rules were drawn up in French and later translated. In case of conflict between the parties or divergences on the interpretation of a word or a clause, only the French versions shall apply. Applicable law The present terms and conditions are ruled by French law. It is the same for rules of content and form, notwithstanding the locations of execution of substantial or secondary obligations. If you don't desire to receive anymore emails from us, please send your request at customer rsipa. Email address: customer rsipa.
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